網誌: 巴菲特班 洪瑞泰 (Michael On)
文章: 二代健保補充保險費
連結: http://mikeon88.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_25.html
From: Frank Chen
發表於 2011-3-24 22:54
對於以賺股息為主的投資方式會有多大的衝擊 ?
有任何因應之道嗎 ?
From: woody
發表於 2011-3-25 14:45
想一想參加除權息比殺進殺出賺價差好多了 !
From: mikeon
發表於 2011-3-25 16:29
交易成本反而較高,達0.585% (=手續費0.1425% x2 +交易稅0.3% )
2011年3月28日 星期一
2011年3月20日 星期日
(台南市)徹壽司@800元 ~ 睽違已久~2011-03
真的睽違3個月吃 還是好味道
轉貼自 http://dora17.pixnet.net/blog/post/27954702
轉貼自 http://dora17.pixnet.net/blog/post/27954702
這一次有一半是新成員~~呵呵~~第一口每個人的反應都是"眼睛為之一亮" "讚不絕口啦~~"
安康魚肝~~真是入口即化 鮪魚肉~因冬天油脂多特別順口
日本白甘魚 忘記這是甚麼了~~ >.<"
黑鮪魚+甜蝦(灑上柚子) 鮭魚(上有塔塔醬)~讚
峨螺~~超脆說~~ 甜蝦(上有蟹膏)一點都不腥~這樣子有點像老鼠
蝶魚~ 照燒牛
(台南市)徹壽司@800元 , 2010-12月
2010-12月 我們挑戰了800元價位
轉貼自 http://dora17.pixnet.net/blog/post/27953714
轉貼自 http://dora17.pixnet.net/blog/post/27953714
真是從喉嚨暖到肚子說~~ ^_^
黑鮪魚瘦肉 紅斑
白干魚 油旗魚
鮭魚腹 海膽甜蝦
烤花枝 安康魚肝
烤鰻魚 海膽鮭魚卵~~滿滿的~完全沒腥味說超級讚
印度洋鮪魚~老闆說冬天魚的油脂很多非常好吃說 鰈魚
照燒牛肉~~嫩~~ 因為懷念玉子燒~老闆特別作的
2011年3月15日 星期二
[巴菲特班] 巴菲特用一股135美元買下 LZ
網誌: 巴菲特班 洪瑞泰 (Michael On)
文章: 巴菲特用一股135美元買下 LZ
連結: http://mikeon88.blogspot.com/2011/03/135lz.html
巴菲特用一股135美元買下 LZ
135美元大約是預期報酬率 15%
「陸比瑞榮公司Lubrizol Corp. 集中於工業及運輸高度表現之化學製品、系統和服務的全球性流體技術公司。其公司集團發展、製造和販賣附加套裝軟體以及使用於運輸及工業完成潤滑油的相關產品。陸比瑞榮公司集團將產品線集合到兩個操作部門:運輸的化學藥品部門以及工業用化學藥品部門。」...Quote123
Warren Buffett Hits His Mark with $9 Billion Deal for Lubrizol
Published: Monday, 14 Mar 2011 7:33 AM ET Text Size By: Alex Crippen
Executive Producer
Warren Buffett may have let a 'zebra' get away in recent weeks, but today he hit his target.
While it may not be an 'elephant' on the scale of Burlington Northern Santa Fe, it is still one of Berkshire Hathaway's "largest acquisitions in years."
Berkshire says in a news release this morning that it is buying Lubrizol for about $9 billion in cash, plus the assumption of another $700 million in debt.
That's $135 a share for the chemicals company, a 28 percent premium over Friday's closing price of $105.44.
In pre-market trading this morning, Lubrizol shares are up 27 percent to $134, just below the deal price.
Current price: [LZ 105.44 0.37 (+0.35%) ]
In the release, Buffett's focus on strong management is highlighted with this quote attributed to him:
"Lubrizol is exactly the sort of company with which we love to partner – the global leader in several market applications run by a talented CEO, James Hambrick. Our only instruction to James – just keep doing for us what you have done so successfully for your shareholders.”
As pointed out in David Faber's blog this morning, "The company fits the typical profile favored by Warren Buffett in his purchases. It has fairly predictable cash flows and a high return on equity. The purchase price represents roughly 7.6 times Lubrizol's (cash flow.)
文章: 巴菲特用一股135美元買下 LZ
連結: http://mikeon88.blogspot.com/2011/03/135lz.html
巴菲特用一股135美元買下 LZ
135美元大約是預期報酬率 15%
「陸比瑞榮公司Lubrizol Corp. 集中於工業及運輸高度表現之化學製品、系統和服務的全球性流體技術公司。其公司集團發展、製造和販賣附加套裝軟體以及使用於運輸及工業完成潤滑油的相關產品。陸比瑞榮公司集團將產品線集合到兩個操作部門:運輸的化學藥品部門以及工業用化學藥品部門。」...Quote123
Warren Buffett Hits His Mark with $9 Billion Deal for Lubrizol
Published: Monday, 14 Mar 2011 7:33 AM ET Text Size By: Alex Crippen
Executive Producer
Warren Buffett may have let a 'zebra' get away in recent weeks, but today he hit his target.
While it may not be an 'elephant' on the scale of Burlington Northern Santa Fe, it is still one of Berkshire Hathaway's "largest acquisitions in years."
Berkshire says in a news release this morning that it is buying Lubrizol for about $9 billion in cash, plus the assumption of another $700 million in debt.
That's $135 a share for the chemicals company, a 28 percent premium over Friday's closing price of $105.44.
In pre-market trading this morning, Lubrizol shares are up 27 percent to $134, just below the deal price.
Current price: [LZ 105.44 0.37 (+0.35%) ]
In the release, Buffett's focus on strong management is highlighted with this quote attributed to him:
"Lubrizol is exactly the sort of company with which we love to partner – the global leader in several market applications run by a talented CEO, James Hambrick. Our only instruction to James – just keep doing for us what you have done so successfully for your shareholders.”
As pointed out in David Faber's blog this morning, "The company fits the typical profile favored by Warren Buffett in his purchases. It has fairly predictable cash flows and a high return on equity. The purchase price represents roughly 7.6 times Lubrizol's (cash flow.)
2011年3月10日 星期四
[巴菲特班] 老巴:我不承襲別人的明牌
網誌: 巴菲特班 洪瑞泰 (Michael On)
文章: 老巴:我不承襲別人的明牌
連結: http://mikeon88.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_09.html
純粹是因經理人Lou Simpson退休,
Buffett Says Don't Draw Conclusions From Sales: "I Never Inherit My Investment Decision"
Published: Wednesday, 2 Mar 2011 1:23 PM ET Text Size By: Alex Crippen
Executive Producer
Warren Buffett says investors would be wrong to think Berkshire Hathaway's elimination of eight stocks from its portfolio means he's negative on the companies that were sold.
Last month, Berkshire's portfolio filing with the SEC showed that eight positions were liquidated in last year's fourth quarter, including Bank of America [BAC 14.59 -0.10 (-0.68%) ] and Nike [NKE 88.95 -0.24 (-0.27%) ].
At the time, we guessed that Berkshire was cleaning out the positions that had been created by Lou Simpson, who retired at the end of 2010.
On today's live Squawk Box appearance, Buffett confirmed that he and Simpson had jointly decided to liquidate the GEICO stockpicker's portfolio.
"I never inherit my investment decision from somebody else. If Charlie Munger made me a gift of 100 shares of some stock, I would sell it then — and then —I would then decide whether I wanted to buy it again myself. But I do not believe in default-type decisions on investments. So When Lou left, his portfolio left. When a new man comes in, his portfolio comes in."
That new man is Todd Combs. Buffett says Combs "is going to be responsible for his decisions — just as Lou was when he was (at Berkshire subsidiary GEICO.) And I want it to be Todd's portfolio."
參閱:[轉貼] 4Q10巴菲特出清BoA、Nike、雀巢
文章: 老巴:我不承襲別人的明牌
連結: http://mikeon88.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_09.html
純粹是因經理人Lou Simpson退休,
Buffett Says Don't Draw Conclusions From Sales: "I Never Inherit My Investment Decision"
Published: Wednesday, 2 Mar 2011 1:23 PM ET Text Size By: Alex Crippen
Executive Producer
Warren Buffett says investors would be wrong to think Berkshire Hathaway's elimination of eight stocks from its portfolio means he's negative on the companies that were sold.
Last month, Berkshire's portfolio filing with the SEC showed that eight positions were liquidated in last year's fourth quarter, including Bank of America [BAC 14.59 -0.10 (-0.68%) ] and Nike [NKE 88.95 -0.24 (-0.27%) ].
At the time, we guessed that Berkshire was cleaning out the positions that had been created by Lou Simpson, who retired at the end of 2010.
On today's live Squawk Box appearance, Buffett confirmed that he and Simpson had jointly decided to liquidate the GEICO stockpicker's portfolio.
"I never inherit my investment decision from somebody else. If Charlie Munger made me a gift of 100 shares of some stock, I would sell it then — and then —I would then decide whether I wanted to buy it again myself. But I do not believe in default-type decisions on investments. So When Lou left, his portfolio left. When a new man comes in, his portfolio comes in."
That new man is Todd Combs. Buffett says Combs "is going to be responsible for his decisions — just as Lou was when he was (at Berkshire subsidiary GEICO.) And I want it to be Todd's portfolio."
參閱:[轉貼] 4Q10巴菲特出清BoA、Nike、雀巢
2011年3月7日 星期一
[巴菲特班] 金融風暴比離婚還可怕
網誌: 巴菲特班 洪瑞泰 (Michael On)
文章: 金融風暴比離婚還可怕
連結: http://mikeon88.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post.html
「As one investor said in 2009: “This is worse than divorce.
I’ve lost half my net worth – and I still have my wife."」
文章: 金融風暴比離婚還可怕
連結: http://mikeon88.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post.html
「As one investor said in 2009: “This is worse than divorce.
I’ve lost half my net worth – and I still have my wife."」
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