文章: 4Q09巴菲特減碼PG、JNJ,買BDX
連結: http://mikeon88.blogspot.com/2010/02/4q09pgjnjbdx.html
From: mikeon
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 9:14 AM
「Becton 、Dickinson and Co. 製造並銷售健康保健專用、醫學研究及一般大眾使用的設備、用品及系統。該公司的經營業務由三個全球業務部分組成:Medical Systems(醫療系統), Biosciences(生物科學),及Preanalytical Solutions(預先分析技術﹞。」 ...Quote123
「Iron Mountain Incorporated 是世界最大的存儲和資訊管理服務公司之一。該公司是一個國際化全方位存儲和資訊管理及相關服務的提供商, 幫助顧客實施外包存儲管理。Iron Mountain 擁有多元化的用戶,包括超過半數的Fortune 500 企業以及爲數衆多的商業、法律、銀行醫療保健、會計、保險、娛樂和政府組織。」...Quote123

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Slashes Oil, P&G, J&J Stakes
Published: Tuesday, 16 Feb 2010 4:54 PM ET
By: Alex Crippen Executive Producer
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway dramatically cut its stakes last fall in two of the nation's biggest oil companies.
It also significantly reduced its holdings of Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson.
The sales were probably designed to help pay for Berkshire's enormous $26 billion acquisition of Burlington Northern Santa Fe. That deal closed last Friday.
In its fourth quarter portfolio snapshot just filed with the SEC, Berkshire reports holding 37.7 million shares of ConocoPhillips [COP 49.95 1.28 (+2.63%) ] as of December 31, 2009.
That's down 19.7 million shares, or 34.3 percent, from Berkshire's holdings as of September 30.
Berkshire's stake in ExxonMobil [XOM 66.29 1.49 (+2.3%) ] fell even more on a percentage basis, dropping 67 percent to 421,800 shares as of Dec 31. Berkshire first reported holding about 854-thousand shares at the end of last year's second quarter. It then added another 422-thousand shares in the third quarter for a total of almost 1.3 million shares. Now only those shares added in Q3 remain as of the end of Q4.
Another significant decline: Johnson and Johnson [JNJ 63.62 0.90 (+1.43%) ]. Berkshire's holdings fell 26.5 percent, or 9.8 million shares, to 27.1 million shares. That's roughly the same amount Berkshire held at the end of 2008, following a big sale that fall to help finance Buffett's credit-crisis investments in Goldman Sachs and General Electric.
Berkshire cut its Procter and Gamble [PG 62.79 1.03 (+1.67%) ] holdings by 8.8 million shares, or 9.1 percent, to 87.5 million shares.
Berkshire also reports smaller holdings as of December 31 vs September 30 for:
Carmax: 8 million shares, down 1 million from 9 million (-11.1%)
Gannett: 2.2 million shares, down 1.2 million from 3.4 million (-36.1%)
Ingersoll-Rand: 5.6 million shares, down 2.2 million from 7.8 million (-27.6%)
SunTrust Banks: 2.4 million shares, down 0.7 million from 3.1 million (-22.1%)
United Health Group: 1.2 million shares, down 2.2 million from 3.4 million (-65.4%)
Berkshire's sales of its entire holdings of Union Pacific and Norfolk Southern had been reported by Buffett himself in an interview with Charlie Rose just after the BNSF deal was announced.
It wasn't just selling. We did see some increases, including a few enormous percentage jumps.
Becton Dickinson: 1.5 million shares, up 0.3 million from 1.2 million (+25.0%)
Iron Mountain: 7.0 million shares, up 3.6 million from 3.4 million (+107.6%)
Republic Services: 8.3 million shares, up 4.7 million from 3.6 million (+128.7%)
Wal-Mart Stores: 39.0 million shares, up 1.2 million from 37.8 million (+3.2%)
Wells Fargo: 320.1 million shares, up 6.7 million from 313.4 million (+2.1%)
Total market value of Berkshire's reported holdings as of December 31: $57.9 billion, up $1.4 billion from $56.5 billion as of September 30. That's an increase of 2.4 percent.